Monday, August 02, 2004

God Vs God

Well finally something interesting to write about. I recently heard this scenario from a friend. What if there was no Devil. There was just God but he had a split personality .. kinda like a Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. In case we assume this possibilty to be within the realm of reason, then doesn't it explain a lot of things?
( for those of you who don't know this particular story, check out )
Firstly, one of the questions sceptics and athiests always ask is "if there is a God, why does he let suffering, evil, pain and other things exist when he has the power to stop it all ? " Now if all this was happening when he's on his Mr.Hyde side of the mind , then he would be powerless to stop it. Maybe eons ago , Dr.Jekyll was more powerful than Mr. Hyde in the mind of the Lord, but through ages, things might have changed. Now as Mr.Hyde becomes more powerful, there is more pain, suffering, skewed morals etc.
Secondly, accoring to the Bible, man is built in God's own image. And we for sure know that each one us of acts in a way sometimes that we are ashamed of later. We think .. I'm a better person than this .. why did I just say this or do this ?? Or some really bad people have done certain good things too. Well if there's a Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde within each of us, and we are in God's image, then maybe God is that way too.

I don't want to sound blasphemous or criticize people's beliefs. I believe in God, but questions pop into my head too. For a nice explanation of how the universe was created, a theory which tries to fuse the scientific one with the religious belief, read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.

Well if anything controversial pops into my head .. I will pop up here soon.
The Moj.


AMPHA said...

"Well if there's a Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde within each of us, and we are in God's image, then maybe God is that way too."

That sums it all. God lies within us unrealized. It is called the Self. There is no 2nd 'person'/God here (or anywhere) who brings on happiness or suffering upon us whenever 'he' wants. We bring on happiness, suffering on us ourselves. We choose how we want to feel. We can choose to feel good inspite of bad things happening to us and vice-versa. Deepak Chopra explains it all very lucidly without preaching if you want to explore.

Anonymous said...

When we say the word "God", I guess we r expecting some image, or some thing, which is all-powerful, which doesn’t make mistakes and which may guide us when we are unable to take decisions. We give that image different names according to our beliefs and religions. So in that case, how much valid it becomes to say that it has its own weakness? I am thoroughly confused with these issues for last so many years, so am not making an assertion, but just putting my thoughts about it.
Your subject line reminds me of the way people are using it now days. My god vs your god :) I don’t follow my religion the way I am supposed to follow, but I know that much that no religion will (or at least shouldn’t) say I am better than yours. For me, religion should be something that guides you to do right things and act well than to follow something blindly which was written or told thousands of years ago. Now right things and “well” are so vague terms and people always try to manipulate them according to their convenience.
More about it on my blog: havent put it in words yet, will do that soon.