Friday, June 02, 2006

Things to do

Hopefully I will be able to catch the Da Vinci code this weekend, as also X-Men 3 which seems to have got off to a bloody huge mega blockbuster start.
Hugh Jackman was definitely born to play Wolverine and add the stellar cast this time and its worth the admission price just to see Kelsey "Frasier" Cramer in a blue suit.

I think Val Kilmer would have made a better Dr. Langdon but I'll wait to comment on that after the movie.

Had an interesting conversation with a friend today about which one of us was the bigger loser and it ended as inconclusive as whether Ganguly deserved to be thrown out or Chappell !!!!!

Building a few online profiles here and there ( none on any wedding sites though) .... just good old fun friendship and timepass right now.

Looking forward to July 4 weekend. Hoping to have a ball in the East Coast again. Camping and White wate rafting among the planned attractions. Lets see.

Been sick as a dog for 3 days now and I hate that. I prefer being a dawg.

Well nothing much to comment on right now. Work is becoming more boring by the minute. I need some inspiration or some brandy in lukewarm water. The latter seems to be easier to obtain. And after being advised of the health benefits by a friend recently ..... can't do without it for long now.

Need to start setting up that mini bar a s a p.

well more later.
