Monday, May 03, 2004

My first blog

Hmm .. so this is the fun part .. or so I've been told. I wonder why a person has so many thoughts running in his brain sometimes that he doesn't even remember what he thought about last. But I am not among those people ... more the kind of guy who is always thinking ... but whose mind is blank .... always seem to be busy ... doing nothing.

Since I have the freedom to write what I want and in whatever order I choose to ..... lets continue talking about me. What is it with me and girls ?? Lets be honest .... girls are a lot cuter than guys, wear better clothes, smell better and generally r more fun to be with. Mind you ...I wouldn't be saying this if I was a girl myself ... seeing how most girls over here seem to love calling each other the sweetest expletives in the most endearing manner possible. And I always seem to be falling in love with a new girl every few months .... through experince I have attained the knowledge that it is not called love but just a crush. But what is a crush ? IS it what one feels when one is around a person and thinks ... man this person is fun to be with ... why can't I be around him/her more ? And if thats the case .. then it could very well lead to love.

So prospectively ..... if a person has a crush a year ( more like 24 in a yr for me) , he could end up falling in love about 50 times in his lifetime ( my own count though is Math which is beyond me) .. and any one of those could be successful in terms of a relationship ..... so if he makes a wrong choice ... shouldn't he be allowed to make the choice again ..... After all they keep saying ... we are humans and humans make mistakes right.

Well now that I have realized that this discussion with myself is leading to nowhere ... I will shut up shop and leave with the promise that I will be back with more endless drivel from time to time.

Cheers Buddies.

The MoJ