Decided to put some thoughts down after viewing the Hindi movie 'Page 3'. I thought it was a very realistic and blunt portrayal of the fast, attractive and immoral celeb life. It set me thinking a lil bit, which is what I do anyways all the time.
The film is from the point of view of a journalist who covers the Page 3 section of the tabloids in Bombay. Page 3 is that part of the newspaper where all the rich and famous ppl are reported about .... its the gossip page and its where u want to be if u wanna be talked about.
The movie traverses her life, and those of her friends and roommates and some of the people she covers. I don't want to go into too many details, you should really see for yourself.
Anyways the basic idea I wanted to put through is this ..... if the system requires that you be unsentimental, immoral, and totally oblivious to some disgusting activities .... to be succesful .. would you do it ? or would you choose some other line of work cos u think thats more honest and straight ?
Its a very personal choice and though this may be a good point for a discussion .... I think I would have been defeated by the system and totally got into the kind of lifestyle that everyone else was leading.
I can see this in my personal life .... I hang out with a lot of guys who like to drink and go downtown for clubbing and I enjoy it too ... but thats the extent of our activites .... on the other hand if I was friends with a lot of friends like the undergrad students here ( who sleep around a lot and stuff) .. I think I would be doing that too.
Anyways i'm very muddled now. Maybe I'll write more on this later.