Thursday, May 06, 2004

R u Happy ?

Was lounging around my room today and u know how my mind starts working overtime thinking about life and all the baggage it brings with it. Well anyways I realized a long time ago that maybe I am not the ambitious kind at all. I would be happy living a simple life in a small house with a small family. Maybe I'm not the kind of guy who likes to have a lot of money and wants to have his photo on the cover of " Hollywood Celebrity" or " Top 10 Geniuses of the World". The mistake I did though, was to not do anything about the realization I reached. I still continued doing the things that I should have been doing if I wanted to get where other people always wanted me to get to. I'm sure everyone wanted the best for me, but still thats based on what the world thinks is best for a person right. For example ... for a guy doing his masters in the US .. the best thing that could happen to him would be to finish his degree, get a job paying him 80K and a green card in due course. But maybe thats not what makes everyone happy. Or is that I'm not dreaming high enuf or hard enuf. ..... OR maybe I spend too much time dreaming about a simple life ( which is hard to get ) that I'm not getting anywhere with the ideal life ( job, car, house, money). Well for whatever its worth .... if I am in a better state of mind 6 months from now .... I'll definitely have something to write home about hopefully.
Signing off from the base station
The Moj .... cheers

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

hmm .... jus some thoughts

Was involved in a conversation today with a friend of mine .... which got me thinking about something I think about sometimes. One thing which gets me irritated is when a person speaks highly of himself ... boasting doesn't go down well with me and I usuallly make it known .. with a perfectly timed sarcastic comment or with a look that shows how much importance I give to that person in a social environment.
But sometimes I wonder why people choose the other way out. They do not think as highly of themselves as they ought to. This isn't to say that they have an inferiority complex or anything of that sort .. I'm not even going down that alley. All I'm saying is sometimes people are too critical of themselves. There are moments when u need to be that way .. its the way to improve and make something better out of yourself. But sometimes a simple comment like " U look great today " gets a response " Come on .. don't pull my leg " ....hey I wasn't pulling your leg .. I was jus saying how I feel.
This particular facet of a person's personality is definitely not a turn off for me ... cos I do the same sometimes .. in the opportunities that are few and far between of me actually getting compliments ( cos I don't deserve them ... hey or am I being too critical of myself ?? ) .......its just that I wonder why people choose these 2 ways of responding to a compliment .. when the best thing might be to say " Thanks a lot .. and u look great too " . Anyways before I ramble on too much and push somebody's wrong buttons .. i'll sign off with the promise that .... i'll be back with more ridiculous thinking.

Monday, May 03, 2004

My first blog

Hmm .. so this is the fun part .. or so I've been told. I wonder why a person has so many thoughts running in his brain sometimes that he doesn't even remember what he thought about last. But I am not among those people ... more the kind of guy who is always thinking ... but whose mind is blank .... always seem to be busy ... doing nothing.

Since I have the freedom to write what I want and in whatever order I choose to ..... lets continue talking about me. What is it with me and girls ?? Lets be honest .... girls are a lot cuter than guys, wear better clothes, smell better and generally r more fun to be with. Mind you ...I wouldn't be saying this if I was a girl myself ... seeing how most girls over here seem to love calling each other the sweetest expletives in the most endearing manner possible. And I always seem to be falling in love with a new girl every few months .... through experince I have attained the knowledge that it is not called love but just a crush. But what is a crush ? IS it what one feels when one is around a person and thinks ... man this person is fun to be with ... why can't I be around him/her more ? And if thats the case .. then it could very well lead to love.

So prospectively ..... if a person has a crush a year ( more like 24 in a yr for me) , he could end up falling in love about 50 times in his lifetime ( my own count though is Math which is beyond me) .. and any one of those could be successful in terms of a relationship ..... so if he makes a wrong choice ... shouldn't he be allowed to make the choice again ..... After all they keep saying ... we are humans and humans make mistakes right.

Well now that I have realized that this discussion with myself is leading to nowhere ... I will shut up shop and leave with the promise that I will be back with more endless drivel from time to time.

Cheers Buddies.

The MoJ